incubator IDEAS
Welcome to the
SkyCribs Incubator
Idea pages!
As stated in the SkyCribs Products pages life is too short to get to everything on the bucket-list. So my plan is to share these ideas and see if it can be realized through others who get it and respects where it comes from.
During my career as the eternal entrepreneur and pioneer I have invested vast amounts of time on ideas only to find that the market is not interested, or a new idea pops-up that require exploration or life happens and I needed to move on.
What a waste... so recently I revisited all these ideas and found that the problems it was aimed at have not gone away. In some cases the danger signs have actually materialized or the problem have worsened. I am thinking to myself "why did people not listen to me, now they are going out of business or are scrambling to stay relevant. And I am not being arrogant but really feel for businesses that fail because it can be very traumatic and destructive for the people on the receiving end of it. I know because I have been there...
But what I have also learned is that this is the way it is, there are so many ideas and solutions out there and everyone wants your ear and it is just too much... Well this web-site will be my legacy and maybe one day when I am gone someone will come across it and realize that the answers are actually out there, one must just take the time to find it.
My conclusion with many of my unrealized ideas is that that in many cases I was ahead of the times and saw something that was going to happen before anyone else did. With the ever-changing world and specifically after the economic collapse of 2008, many people, businesses and industries are now actually in trouble, so maybe now there would be more of a willingness to look at new ways of doing things. The advancement in ICT is also making many ICT ideas more feasible now.
Lastly, an interesting observation from my experience is how many businesses are so poorly equipped to handle the demands of the age that we live in. Their television advertisements are so beautiful and glamorous but behind the scenes where they have to deliver on the promises is a dark and ugly wasteland of inefficiency. In the economic times we live in now this is catching-up to many. Companies have corporate systems that are 20+ years old, whole industries are still run with a fax machine, etc. A beautiful TV ad is sometimes a symptom of big problems at home with quick fix solutions such as throwing money at the problems rather than investing in transformation.
Please visit the SkyDea pages where at the last count there were some 30 ideas listed. Some are novel To-do list items that are no more than that but others have had serious time blood, sweat and tears invested in them. Some of it if realized can really make a big contribution towards making South Africa great.